Adobe reveals a GenAI tool for music | TechCrunch

Adobe reveals a GenAI tool for music | TechCrunch

  • Adobe unveiled Project Music GenAI Control, a platform that can generate audio from text descriptions or a reference melody and let users customize the results.
  • Using Project Music GenAI Control, users can adjust things like tempo, intensity, repeating patterns and structure or extend tracks to arbitrary lengths.
  • Project Music GenAI Control was developed in collaboration with researchers at the University of California and Carnegie Mellon.
  • The tool aims to put users "in the director's seat" by generating music but also giving various forms of control so musical ideas can be explored without needing composition skills.
  • GenAI music tools are raising ethical and legal concerns as AI-created music proliferates, with some passing as authentic works.
  • Music labels have issued takedowns of viral homemade tracks using GenAI to conjure familiar sounds, citing copyright.
  • There is still a lack of clarity on whether deepfake music violates the IP of artists, labels and other rights holders.
  • A judge ruled AI-generated art can't be copyrighted but the Copyright Office hasn't taken a firm stance on copyright and AI.
  • It is unclear if users could face copyright violations for commercializing music generated in another artist's style.
  • Adobe develops its GenAI tools against licensed or public domain data to avoid IP issues and is working on watermarking technology.